Friday, January 5, 2007

The Zeitgeist

I've Had it With Schwarzenegger

Schwarzenegger eyes health coverage for Calif. Kids:
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Governor


Schwarzenegger is expected to propose extending health care to the 10 percent of California's children who are uninsured, even if they are here illegally, and force firms to bolster adult coverage, officials said on Thursday.

I've had it with Arnold. He has completely flipped now and turned into a Democrat. He is as liberal as Pelosi in my opinion. Arnold now so much enjoys being loved by Californians, who are overwhelmingly left of center at this time in our history, that he buys their central tenet of wanting to give everything to everybody. He is Santa Claus, Jingle All the Way.

For the first time in recent history, this year more people left the state of California than entered, and this includes illegals. A miracle. A marvelous miracle. Now, Arnold is going to change all that. Hey, if you want an i.d., a job, a driver's license, and free health care for your kids, amigos, California is the place to be. Can you say MAGNET?

We will soon be supplying all of Northern Mexico with health care. Great idea Arnold. And how are we going to pay for this? Why, the good old liberal way, with higher taxes; which will drive away businesses, which will lower consumption, which will depress our standard of living. Great. We already need to learn Spanish as our PRIMARY language, but now we'll have to stock up on Mexican flags so we can get in line with our neighbors.

I want to be the first to suggest a recall of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. What was good enough for Grey Davis is good enough for Arnold. Who wants to start the petition? I'll sign it.

The Beauty of the Beast

Nancy Pelosi looked spectacular yesterday as she took the gavel, and she humanized herself by surrounding herself with her beautiful grandchildren. I have to admit that this smiling, charming woman is formidable. I think of her as a dragon-lady, but she certainly didn't project that on her first appearance as Speaker of the House. I also want to make it clear that I am happy we have a female Speaker for the first time. I am looking forward also to our first female President and first black President and first Hispanic president—just please don't let it be Pelosi, Hillary, Maxine Waters, Charlie Rangel, or any other Victocrat communist.

Poor Barack

I am even now disappointed in Barack Obama, since in his book just out he re-asserts his playing the race and victim cards like he did in his earlier book.

He admits he used drugs because he was struggling with an identity crisis as a black man, and he had to "play on the white man's court." Poor Barack. His African kin abandoned him as a child while his white kin stuck by him—yes, he sure was abused by The Man. I am eager to find heroes in our society, but I keep getting disappointed. I thought Barrack was on his way to greatness. Instead, I see he's on his way to Jesse Jacksonism.

Heartbeats Away From the Presidency

By the way, now, Cheney, whose life depends on a pacemaker, will be President should something happen to Bush. Next comes Pelosi, our San Francisco communist treat, should Cheney's pacemaker falter. If misfortune then befalls Pelosi, third in line is Robert Byrd, President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate, former Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan. Our nation is on shakier ground than the Golden Gate Bridge.

Abraham Bush

Bush appears to be trying to emulate Lincoln now. He is firing the generals, something Lincoln did until he finally got his Sherman's and Grant's. I hope that Bush is just as successful with this as Lincoln was. Do we have a Sherman or Grant?

What Have We Done to You Poor Mr. Saddam?

The New York Times as usual is aghast at the treatment of tyrants. They've run daily stories now on poor Saddam's mistreatment at his execution, and the haste of the thing, and the illegality of the thing. Not a word on the people Saddam slaughtered. Typical left-wing sympathy for tyrants, dictators and anti-American sentiments. For years they've been saying we should butt out of Iraq and let the Iraqi's run their own things, but now we should have intervened in the Iraqi trial and execution process to stop this horrible brutality from being perpetrated against the poor Mr. Saddam. The New York Times is a rag.


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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  1. Rock,
    Wow, too many venues to choose from, so I'll choose "Generals" for $100. If I am correct, President Bush(or any president) can appoint any military person to a general. So, on your next dinner engagement with President Bush, you could also bring up my name.
    "Pelosi" for $400, with each new election, regardless of the outcome, I believe most of us hope for a return to the beginning, when you were elected to work for the country, and not yourself and your party. I have hope, but strong doubt that this will be any different.

  2. Since we seemed to agree a lot this time around (is my head a little warm?) this comment is more for clarity rather than rebuttal.

    "I just don’t want another Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton"

    I can completely understand, although I think Barack will be a far cry from these two. JJ and AS have done great things for Black people and society in general, but they've also been misguided by making racial issues out of things that weren't.

    "So now we’ll try the “crusty old woman” approach, or the “crusty old black guy” approach?"

    Touche'. They ARE all old and crusty aren't they. Sometimes things need to be shaken up (your theory on the middle east?) so maybe government inaction will be a thing of the past...for now.

    "Those days are over, paz. We need leaders who aren’t mired in the 60’s. Let me see a Bill Cosby type who calls for black responsibility and hard work, then I’ll be impressed."

    I have to agree with you here! I think this was related to the very first comment I made on your blog! You're making me feel old!

    "Plus, many of them (Al Qaeda responsible for 9-11) are fighting in Iraq—better there than here."

    I was referring to bin Laden and Zawahiri still on the loose. Had they not planned and attacked the US, Saddam would be alive, in power and still working the world's nerves. 9-11 eventually made him the face of Arab terrorism when in fact he was less of a threat than other folks. It wasn't Muqtada that brought his downfall, it was Osama.

    Irony #2. Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11.

    "The real worry was that he could foment trouble that could lead to the next 9/11. Plus, he was a threat to his neighbors."

    That may be true, but the president lumped him in with Al Qaeda being behind the original 9-11 as the main argument to garner support for the war when the TRUTH is he had no part of it.

    "Egypt seems to be our friend, though, so I don’t know why you include them."

    I was referring more to the citizens of Egypt (and most of the Arab world) as opposed to the government. Come to think of it, most Arab countries have a tenuous "friendship" with the US, it's the people who have the rage towards America.

    Alright enough of my soapbox for today. Have a good weekend yourself, and a great way to start off the blogging year!

  3. i actually picture hillary and nancy in a jello pit going at it and nancy yelling something about fat ankles. then i can stand to look at them. that's the only way i can do it. sigh...... bee

  4. If I am correct, President Bush(or any president) can appoint any military person to a general. So, on your next dinner engagement with President Bush, you could also bring up my name.

    I'm in. Sgt Dub for general, right now!

    Pelosi" for $400, with each new election, regardless of the outcome, I believe most of us hope for a return to the beginning, when you were elected to work for the country, and not yourself and your party. I have hope, but strong doubt that this will be any different.

    We'll see. I don't mind if she surprises us to the positive, but I share your doubts.

    Thanks for your comments, Sgt. Have a great week.

  5. Since we seemed to agree a lot this time around (is my head a little warm?) this comment is more for clarity rather than rebuttal.

    I know what you mean. My head is warm too.

    "I just don’t want another Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton"

    I can completely understand, although I think Barack will be a far cry from these two. JJ and AS have done great things for Black people and society in general, but they've also been misguided by making racial issues out of things that weren't.

    I agree with you on all counts. I still have some hope for Barack, but we'll see.

    "So now we’ll try the “crusty old woman” approach, or the “crusty old black guy” approach?"

    Touche'. They ARE all old and crusty aren't they. Sometimes things need to be shaken up (your theory on the middle east?) so maybe government inaction will be a thing of the past...for now.


    "Those days are over, paz. We need leaders who aren’t mired in the 60’s. Let me see a Bill Cosby type who calls for black responsibility and hard work, then I’ll be impressed." 

I have to agree with you here! I think this was related to the very first comment I made on your blog! You're making me feel old!

    I'm glad you agree.

    "Plus, many of them (Al Qaeda responsible for 9-11) are fighting in Iraq—better there than here."

I was referring to bin Laden and Zawahiri still on the loose. Had they not planned and attacked the US, Saddam would be alive, in power and still working the world's nerves. 9-11 eventually made him the face of Arab terrorism when in fact he was less of a threat than other folks. It wasn't Muqtada that brought his downfall, it was Osama.

    Interesting way of looking at these things.

    Irony #2. Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11.

"The real worry was that he could foment trouble that could lead to the next 9/11. Plus, he was a threat to his neighbors."

That may be true, but the president lumped him in with Al Qaeda being behind the original 9-11 as the main argument to garner support for the war when the TRUTH is he had no part of it.

    The problem is that all the leading Democrats and many world leaders also saw these same things. Everyone thought Saddam had WMD's. Bush was no different in believing this than hundreds of people.

    "Egypt seems to be our friend, though, so I don’t know why you include them."

I was referring more to the citizens of Egypt (and most of the Arab world) as opposed to the government. Come to think of it, most Arab countries have a tenuous "friendship" with the US, it's the people who have the rage towards America.

    Most Arabs do not have a free press, and even where they do, the press reporting is always one-sided. Children are taught in kindergarten that the U.S. and Israel are devils. Imams preached hatred against the U.S. and Israel. Is it any wonder the Arab street hates America?

    Alright enough of my soapbox for today. Have a good weekend yourself, and a great way to start off the blogging year!

    Thanks paz. Have a great new blogging year. I'll visit your site in a few minutes.

  6. Empress Bee, great comments:

    i actually picture hillary and nancy in a jello pit going at it and nancy yelling something about fat ankles. then i can stand to look at them. that's the only way i can do it. sigh...... bee

    Wonderful image. I'll try it--yes, it does do the trick!


