Monday, January 29, 2007

A Democrat Reaches Out to the Middle Class


Democrats Moving Right?

Chuck Schumer has written a book that will be out soon, Positively American: Winning Back the Middle-Class Majority One Family at a Time, and is on the talk show circuit promoting it. It illustrates one prominent Democrat's thinking on how to communicate with the middle class. He believes that Democrats improved at this in '06, but that to win in '08 they will have to do even better.

I am virulently anti-Democrat and I've cringed over the years when I've heard Schumer speak. The book, though, and Schumer's explanations of it, sound like his attempt to co-opt some basic Republican values. This doesn't bother me. Democrats moving right is a good thing. On the other hand, when Democrats move right, you can still tell they are Democrats, which is the funny, or scary part of the deal.

In the book, Schumer explains:

Schumer's Imaginary Friends

Biking through New York's boroughs in 2005, I thought about some old friends, Joe and Eileen Bailey. Though they are imaginary, I frequently talk to them.

This is a Democrat speaking, without a doubt. He doesn't recall a real couple from the middle class as an example, but a couple he imagines; and he talks to them, frequently! This guy should be a Californian.

Eight Words

Schumer's analysis of the elections is more astute. He believes the parties communicate their message best when the campaigns are boiled down to eight words:
In 2004, they (Republicans) did it with eight words: War in Iraq. Cut taxes. No gay marriage. Those eight words sum up the reasons for George W. Bush's re-election.

In 2006, Democrats did much better with people like Joe and Eileen, but only because of Bush's mistakes. We had our own eight words: No war in Iraq. No corruption. Bad economy. But these eight words did not describe our own vision; they were the negative image of the Republican message. In 2006, they helped us win back Congress. In 2008, we will need to do more to persuade the Baileys to again trust the Democratic Party.

Note, he is still talking about his imaginary friends, the Baileys.

The Truth About '06

He may be right about the eight words that won for them in '06, but the public is wrong about the war in Iraq, in my opinion, and also about the economy. We had a great economy, then and now, but the public bought the Democratic demagoging of this issue, hook, line and sinker.

The Democratic Way

This is how a Democrat remains a Democrat. Yes, he wants to communicate more with the middle class, but how? By lying to them and demogoging issues. Sometimes politicians get elected by using this strategy, unfortunately.

Schumer's Plan

Schumer's ideas for the future of the Democratic Party are:
In part of my book, "Positively American," I try to start the process by presenting 11 goals, which I call "The 50 Percent Solution." Taken together, these ideas could help define what Democrats stand for. In the book, I explain each goal, how we can achieve it and why it is important to the Baileys. For example, Democrats should commit to increasing reading and math scores 50 percent by dramatically increasing federal involvement, and funding, in public schools. We should increase the number of college graduates by 50 percent. We should call for reducing illegal immigration by at least 50 percent and increasing legal immigration. We should cut our dependence on foreign oil by 50 percent, and reduce cancer mortality, abortions and childhood obesity each by 50 percent. We should increase our ability to fight terrorism by 50 percent.

Distinctly Democratic

You can still tell it's a Democratic plan. Note the words "increasing federal involvement, and funding." The answer to all problems, with Democrats, is higher taxes and more funding.

He calls for decreasing illegal immigration. How? He doesn't say. One can only hope he has a plan other than amnesty.

He advocates cutting our dependence on foreign oil. How? By preventing drilling in the U.S.? By taxing the oil companies? By opposing nuclear energy?

And so on.

He does speak to middle class concerns, yes. But he will rely on old Democratic solutions to these problems, including bigger government, more regulation, socialized medicine, and higher taxes.


The wolf is getting cleverer with its choice of sheep's clothing.


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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