Clarity and
Good will

Hat Trick
I watched the State of the Union Speech last night and paid attention to the substance, but also to the tone.
First, I observed something that only I probably noticed: I received everything I asked for yesterday from George Bush on the topic of Iraq. In my last two posts, My Fellow Americans, and Pandering President Pursues the Arnold Effect, I advised President Bush:
- Do talk about Iraq at length.
- Level with the American people as much as you can, and give them the feeling that you have a plan for all contingencies.
- Think of a way or ways to involve the American people in the sacrifice for this war.
In yesterday's post, I describe how I got exactly what I advised on the first two points from General David Petraeus' in his explanation of Iraq for his confirmation hearings yesterday. Then, last night, it appears that President Bush continued to communicate about Iraq with more depth and subtlety than he has in the past. And my personal hat trick was delivered when Bush added this suggestion:
A second task we can take on together is to design and establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps. Such a corps would function much like our military reserve. It would ease the burden on the Armed Forces by allowing us to hire civilians with critical skills to serve on missions abroad when America needs them. And it would give people across America who do not wear the uniform a chance to serve in the defining struggle of our time.
This partially answered my point three about involving the American people in the sacrifice for the Iraq War, although Bush didn't make a big deal about this, just including it in his laundry list of things he wants to do. I would have preferred he did make a big deal about it, but at least this is a start.
So, yesterday I got everything I asked for, quite unexpectedly, on the subject of Iraq. Does Bush read my blog?
Probably not. Nonetheless, I remain dumbfounded, and grateful. George W. Bush made the first steps in adequately explaining the Iraq War to the American people, and involving them in the process. He also delivered an effective plea to Democrats to give his troop surge plan a chance.
I was pretty harsh on Mr. Bush yesterday. Was I correct? Believe me, I don't care to be correct. I just care about what happens. It turns out I was right, and I was wrong.
Bush did pander to the left, as I said he would, with a laundry list of leftist proposals, but I have to be honest, it didn't sound like pandering. He was very forceful, and sounded reasonable in suggesting such things as reducing gas consumption by 2017 by 20%.
Still on energy, he "snuck in" some conservative values such as building nuclear power plants, stepping up domestic oil production "in environmentally sensitive ways," and doubling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
So, I have to apologize to the President and remove my label of "pandering." I think I can characterize what he did all yesterday as beginning to really communicate with the American people; and addressing the issues that Americans, including leftists, care about. I don't think Reagan would have "given in" as much as Mr. Bush did, but I have to give the President high marks for the speech.
With regard to tone, the atmosphere in the chamber was pleasant. The Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi in her historic appearance as the first female Speaker of the House, were on their best behavior. I was grateful to her for removing all of the anger and hatred I've seen coming from the Democratic Party in recent years, and this is a major change. Of course, it's easy to be gracious when you are the winner. Still, this is one of the most significant reversals in attitude ever. Bush was treated with dignity and respect, which is how it should be. Bush, of course, was as gracious as usual. It was fascinating to hear him work the room after the speech. He is probably as good as Bill Clinton at working a room.
Nice job, Mr. President.
My advice for you for the future is more of what I gave the last two posts. Continue to elevate the tone and complexity of your communications. Treat the American people as sophisticated adults who can understand the complexities of war and the truth about all the issues.
(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)
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Just in case he or his staff is reading, lets throw out some more good ideas and see where it goes.
ReplyDeletenice job mr. rock. i just love it when a man (or woman) can admit their errors.
ReplyDelete(psst. i know sarge charlie will see this! ha ha)
seriously though, i appreciated reading this post.