The Political Pendulum
Right Stuff
Veering Left
The country veering most left at this time in history is Venezuela, with Hugo Chavez going forward with his goal of a "classless society." All the Marxists are cheering him as he nationalizes oil companies and banks, and forces other companies into agreements that will guarantee social benefits. On the one hand, his goals are quite noble. He seems like he is truly trying to help the people (as much as any dictator can and still fill his own pockets). On the other hand, he is outright stealing from companies that came in with agreements and contracts which he has now nullified. The question is, who in the future will invest in Venezuela? If you owned a private company, would you gamble your hard won assets on whether Hugo will honor any agreement you sign with him?
Just as with Castro, Mr. Chavez will find that stealing from companies now will make him a hero short term, but will deprive the people of millions of dollars in the long run. The growth of his country will suffer due to his bad relations with the world.
Marxism has been tried, Mr. Chavez, and it doesn't work.
Veering Right

Don't be surprised, also, if another country known for leftism veers right in the coming years. Fidel Castro is rumored to be in his last days on earth. His brother, Raul, appears to be much more friendly to Western nations, and to capitalism. What will Hugo say? Cuba will explode with growth if this shift happens.
France and Cuba veering right? Are we living in a dream?
Veering Left
Sadly, while France and Cuba might be heading in a positive direction, we, the United States of America, are one of the countries veering left. On the rise are the Marxists of the Democratic Party.
The Debates
I watched both the Democratic and Republican debates. The Democrats all admitted they will raise taxes, increase regulations, force the color green on the world, and decrease world security by marginalizing the war on terror. I could barely force myself to watch. Yet, the country seems dead set on electing one of them.No wonder. The Republicans were pro-business, but lacked vigor. They were not as passionate as they should have been either about Iraq or the war on terror, with the possible exception of McCain. They appeared meek and back to cowering in Panderland. All of them paid homage to Ronald Reagan, but there wasn't a Ronald among them. The only thing they appeared passionate about was religion. Pardon me, but I don't think faith is the issue. I don't want a president who is pastor-in-chief. I want someone passionate about winning the war on terror, and helping capitalism live and thrive. Let's keep church and state separate.
The Sad State of the Right
Fire in the Belly
I'm not even impressed with Newt anymore. He is "waiting," before he decides whether to run, and on the talk shows he sounds so green he could be Al Gore's brother. I'm not happy with Fred Thompson either, the great conservative hero. He's not in the fight yet either. Like Newt, he's "waiting."
A president needs fire in the belly. If you're not absolutely sure you're the man, or woman, then don't bother running. The U.S. will never elect Newt now. He's demonstrated he doesn't want it badly enough. I doubt they'll choose Thompson either. He's too late, cancer or no cancer.
Especially weak on the dais was Rudy Giuliani. He still is the frontrunner, but he'd better turn in better performances than this debate if he wants to win. He must come across as a giant, not as a meek defender of his pro-choice views. He's got to get back to the lion he was post 9/11.
A Fair Performance
McCain gave the best account of himself among the Republicans. He had some fire and he distinguished himself with his zeal on the War in Iraq.
Presidential Aura
Looking for the Glow
I try to look for the presidential aura in candidates, and I'm not sure I see it yet in anyone. I cringe when I imagine Hillary back in the White House. I don't see Obama ready yet to make sophisticated decisions. My stomach turns when I think of demagogue Edwards as president.
Yet, I don't see the presidential aura surrounding any Republicans either. I pray they start connecting to their personal power and the supremacy of truth. It can still happen.
Seeking a Leader
It's still early, but I'm looking for a leader that can stop this country's disastrous lurch to the left.
Thank God for France. Vive la France!
(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)
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Technorati Tags for this post: leftist, right-wing, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, Marxism, Socialism, Republican Debate, Democratic Debate, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Newt Gingrich, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barack Obama, Nikolas Sarkozy
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I know you're not thinking France is going to lead the way towards American "right"eousness. I have a feeling that Sarkozy's gonna have his hands full considering the Socialists are already protesting and rioting in the streets. I have to say though that I'm with you all the way on this one. Republican, Democrat, they all seem unworthy.
ReplyDeleteAnother great post Mr. Rock. Fast forward 30 years, date line, Venezuela, parts are no longer available for the dictators 2007 Limo. Cuban Cigars most popular in the United States, French Troops win major battle in War on Terror, Al Gore fiddles while America burns.
ReplyDeleteWell the old sarge is going into depression, the hole is getting deeper. Is there any hope left, not so much. Is their anyone out there that could save us, not sure. I was leaning toward Fred Dalton Thompson, but today I am not sure he has the fire in the belly. Wining the Presidency is not easy and of those in the field today, I am not so sure we have a winner. McCain was the only hope from the debate, (debate, not so sure about that, MSNBC, why????????) I think McCain has lost too much of the respect he once had, stupid stuff, he had so much to offer and squandered it in my opinion. Mitt Romney is saying the right things, maybe a good choice, time will tell. Newt would have been my choice at one time, not so sure anymore.
We have about a year to find a leader, the old sarge is not impressed with the field.
hi rock! yay for france! finally shows some french citizens get it! and here i was thinking they were all pathetic idiots! good for them, they grew a pair! finally!
ReplyDeleteand i gave up on the 2008 election. it's hillary all the way, her evilness has not yet begun to surface. the libs will surround her and treat her like the second coming. idiots. mark my words. write this on your calendar for 11/04/08. then you can say, hey, bee said this last may! sigh...
have a great day rock!!
smiles, bee
Are you serious? Do you really believe America is heading towards "the left" ? Sorry, but I find that hard to believe. With all these conservative "Christians" and Republicans joining forces and breaking the wall of the separation of church and state, it is as if America is going to be run by these so called "Christians". At least you got that the separation of church and state should remain.
ReplyDeleteAnd honestly, what is wrong with raising taxes, as long as the money is spent properly, unlike this administration? When Clinton was president, we had a balanced budget and national debt could have been paid off pretty soon but after the GOP takeover of Congress in '94 and the election of Bush, seems we're heading the other way.