Monday, May 21, 2007

Handicapping the Candidates

To My Dear Readers

I apologize for missing posts lately. The reasons have been computer and personal problems. For the moment, I have "adequately" fixed the computer problems. As for my personal problems, I am living through a dramatic crisis in my life. I will try to post as usual, but part of this is in the hands of God. I appreciate your prayers and concern. Still, we've got our contribution to the world to take care of as bloggers, so here finally is my next post. I'll get it posted barebones now, and be adding the links in it as soon as possible.


That Presidential Glow

Nothing is so important for the future of our country than whom we choose as our next president. The reason is that it is likely that both houses of Congress will likely remain in Democratic hands for some time. If the nation chooses a Democrat for president, we will have the danger of unchecked leftism. If the country chooses a Republican for president, we will have the same situation we have now—a sort of lame duck president, but who has at least veto power to stop Democratic excess. In either case, whoever occupies the Oval Office will partially determine the directions we take.

I've already reported on the first Democratic and Republican debates. I've now seen the second Republican debate.

Plus, I've watched the individual interviews of a few of the candidates on the Sunday talk shows. These appearances offer me the chance to amend my impression of a few of the contenders.

Barack O Mania

I'll start with Barack Obama, whom I saw on a few programs. I have to admit that he came across as quite bright. Plus, he is smart enough to stop sounding so exclusively liberal.

He even stated that he is conservative on some issues.

I'm not listening so much to the crafted positions of the candidates, which can be changed depending on the weather. Rather, I am looking for reasonableness, insight, and candor.

One thing I admire about Barack is that he does not use his ethnicity—neither for advantage, nor as an excuse. For example, he states that if he loses the run for the presidency, it won't be because of his race. It will be, and I am paraphrasing Senator Obama, because "I didn't articulate my position clearly and passionately enough for people to vote for me." Bravo!

In addition, Barack is sounding and looking presidential. Nothing he said on the War in Iraq, nor on the economy, sounded unreasonable.

Yes, he remains a liberal, but he's not a liberal I fear. I can start to relax with this guy.

I probably won't vote for him, but at least I'm beginning to feel that he won't ruin the country, as I believe Hillary would.

The Second Republican Debate

I was pleased to see that several of the Republican candidates did better than in the first debate. Of course, they say that Rudy Giuliani won this round, especially with his justified anger at Senator Paul, who implied that the United States brought on the 9/11 attack on itself. Rudy showed his commanding self. He did not, however, win over the conservatives of the party. For example, Bay Bucanan was on the talk shows dissing Rudy as a candidate not suitable for the Republican Party.

John McCain was commanding in this second debate also. He too, though, is not a conservative favorite.

Mitt Romney was pretty good too, and is a conservative favorite, although I guess that his Mormon religion is hurting him with some. He remains the most photogenic candidate, as is his wife; and very articulate.

Hard corps conservatives are waiting for Newt and Senator Thompson to enter the fray.

Handicapping the Race

If this were a horse race, I'd give the following payoffs.

For the Democrats:
Hillary 2 to 1
Barack 4 to 1
Edwards 12 to 1

For the Repulbicans:
Rudy 2 to 1
Mitt 3 to 1
McCain 4 to 1
Fred Thompson 8 to 1
Newt 20 to 1

Just a Guess

Hillary/Barack beats Giuliani/McCain in the general election.

However, Thompson/Mitt beats Hillary/Barack.

What do you think?


  1. Alright, I get the idea that mormonism is a little "strange" to those who don't understand it. But what I don't understand is why it's a hinderance to Romney's campaign. I've heard a few conservative folks say that the "mormon thing" turns them off but why? Mormons are as hardcore Christian as they come so why would Christian conservatives turn their backs on a guy who is Mormon and has no shame in it? A little help here, old buddy?

    By the way, I hope all works itself out in your personal life. I know how things can get....

  2. Thanks, paz, good to hear from you.

    Yeah, I can't figure out the Mormon thing either. Except that some Christians are hardcore about their particular brand of Christianity. It used to be Catholics versus Protestants. I guess there are some, probably including Catholics, who don't buy the whole new book of Jesus that the Mormons believe in.


  3. Hummm the protestants and catholics believe in the virgin birth, the resurection of Jesus and catholics believe that Jesus is the god and all believe that Moses went to the mountain and came down with the clay tablets so the Mormans believe in Joseph
    snith and the gold tablets ,etc. It is all a bit weird if you come down to it!
    It all amounts to FAITH and that is something that they all believe in.
    So why should the Mormon religion
    cause a problem?????

  4. Barbara, you seem very nice and open. I don't get the prejudice against Mormons either, except that it's a longterm thing. I just saw a documentary on them, and they faced persecution from the start.

    Thanks for the comments.

  5. If you are old enough to remember JFK, the Catholics were going to take over, fear fear fear...... the Mormon thing will pass, Romney is saying the right things, I like Thompson but not sure he has the fire in the bellie...
    There is no democratic worth mentioning.

    My best wishes for a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, please thank a soldier for what you have.....Freedom

  6. sadly i think it is hillary all the way, fat ankles and all. wish i had a better feeling but i don't. did you mark your calendar like i told you? ha ha

    smiles, bee
