Happy Un-Earth Day
God is
The Madness
I usually write some kind of a researched piece. Today, though, there is no need. Those of you who are convinced, are convinced. On the other hand, those of you who get the truth, get it. I've tried to present the logic and background of my position on this issue, but it doesn't seem to work. The globe is in the grips of a mass hysteria.
The reasons for it are that many liberals have no religion, so this has become their religion. Plus, many religious people are joining the hysteria too, because the arguments for the mythology seem reasonable.
I'm speaking, of course, of the green madness. The Inconvenient Truth illness. Arrogant Hollywood stars fly in their jet planes, ride in their limos, and live in their air-conditioned mansions while advising the rest of us to ride the bus and use one-ply toilet paper. It's disgusting.
Yes, Let's Go Green
Again, I don't mind that we go green. I do care, though, that we be reasonable. I know many of you don't hear this on the media, who are co-conspirators in the myths, but hundreds of scientists do not believe that global warming is caused by mankind's actions—but rather by the natural cycles of the Earth. Tell that to the masses.
To Sheryl Crow: Do Some Reading
To Sheryl Crow, stop ruining the environment with your obsessions. To the people who want to get things right on this issue, it is your responsibility to get educated. Go back to school or do some relevant reading, and learn the scientific method, which requires evidence, not mantras. Do the world the favor, too, of exploring the opposing arguments. Believe me, Al Gore and you, Sheryl, are not experts on what is or is not happening to the world's climate.
Global Warming?
For the last time, yes, there might be global warming. But, Kyoto will not help. Read how little Kyoto will do to offset the warming. You'll be shocked.
The Best Ways to Save the Environment
For the last time, yes, go green, but don't ruin the world doing it.
You want the two best ways to save the environment? Control population growth, and develop technology. The more people—the more cars, the more air-conditioners, the more ... you get it—the more CO2. Plus, technology is not the enemy. Industry is not the enemy. Just the opposite.
Fewer people. Better technology. Simple.
(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)
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Wow, great post Mr. Rock, and could not agree more........ The arrogance of the Crows and Gores of the world just burns me up. They can change the earth, who gave them the power. I choose to believe the best science on the matter, the world is in a normal cycle, has happened before and will happen again. What would they be saying if we were coming out of an Ice Age, Denver will be under water, such a joke.
ReplyDeleteI do believe we can clean up our world, I hate litter, it is so inconsiderate of others rights to see the wonderful things this earth has to offer. If these “I’m gonna fix your world” folks want to do some good, go to underdeveloped countries and teach simple things like sewage, don’t waste my time showing me New York under water.
Ok my man, you suggest that controlling the population combined with technology will help stave off the ever present effects of climate change. I agree that creating new technology will benefit the world greatly (hybrid vehicles, solar/wind power/hydroelectric etc.), but expecting or WANTING governments to control their populations is a recipe for disaster. Do you really want the US government passing laws to begin telling us how many kids we can have, and then enforcing those laws with forced/coerced birth control, much like they did in the 50's and 60's in Puerto Rico? I know I don't want that for the country and world and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Come to think of it, China has had population control for decades and they are STILL one of the world's biggest polluters. A far better idea would be for the governments to invest in those technologies that help major corporations lay citizens and enrgy more efficiently and lower emissions. There is no logical way global populations to get under "control" without government intervention. Knowing how most governments react when given too much power over the lives of individuals, that is not something I would ever welcome
ReplyDeleteSgt. Charlie, thank God for reasonable people like you. I begin to wonder if we are still living in the dark ages. I agree with you, let's clean things up. We can do without the hypocrisy, though, Sheryl and Sean and Rosie.
paz, thanks for your comments. You've misunderstood what I meant. I said control the population and technology. I did not say control population through technology.
ReplyDeleteI don't propose passing laws to control population either. I fully support democracy. I do oppose the Catholic Church's stance on birth control, though, and so on.
I want people free to have families of 20 if they choose. I just want others to be free to limit their family size if they choose.
As far as technology, what I meant was--technology can give us clean nuclear energy, cleaner gas emissions, and so on.
You really got me wrong on this issue.
Take care, paz.
I'm not sure I misunderstood you, I was agreeing that your point on technology made sense, but I was saying that your idea to have a controlled population didn't. There's really no other way to achieve "control" of the population except by force. Surely fewer people would ease the pressure on the planet, but getting people around world to not have children voluntarily is an unlikely proposition. It's much more likely that a pandemic (like flu or plague of the past) will occur that will take out a large swath of the global population- which brings up a whole different issue!
ReplyDeleteHere's a strange idea for for you to ponder. Don't you think that technological advances in medicine are actually hindering Nature's ability to "control population"? Maybe diseases like bird flu, ebola, haunta, AIDS etc are around to eliminate people from the global population, but modern medicines keep them at bay, for now. So in essence, technology is actually helping to INCREASE population.
paz, you do make some great points. Technology has increased our population. However, technology also includes birth control, the morning after pill, and the means to travel the world to effect adoptions. So, again, I call upon those who truly choose freely, to not be afraid to limit our burgeoning population.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, you're right. The population will be controlled cruelly by new diseases, or a comet that will make cannibalism a common thing when the sun gets blotted out and there are too many mouths to feed.
hi rock, don't have much to add, just wanted to stop by. i do agree with this though. and to let you know i think cruise ships are a good form of public transportation! ha ha ha...
ReplyDeletesmiles, bee
Hi Mr Rock, I think you would like the post at SECOND EFFORT today, It credits SIR ALBERT THE GORE......