Monday, July 9, 2007

It's a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

I admit it, this is a



Live Earth, Dead Air

Like a lot of people on this globe, I experienced the music on Live Earth. I witnessed Al Gore's hologram and all the brainwashed children brainwashing other children. I found it boring and repulsive, like Mr. Roger's Neighborhood without the intelligence.

Youthful Rebellions Have a Purpose, Sometimes

When I was growing up, we rebelled, like all good teenagers, by absorbing Elvis, Bob Dylan, then the British invasion, headed by the Beatles, and culminating in Woodstock.

Our rebellion with Elvis was the slicked back hair, the swiveling hips, the curled lip, the sex of it all. Our upheaval with Bob Dylan was anti-war and pro-intellectualism.

Our insurgency with the Beatles was against anyone older than we were, the way these oldsters dressed, how they conducted their love lives, and their whole religious and sociological point of view. Woodstock was the ultimate breakdown of society.

All four of these singers, groups and movements led to genuine revolutions. We weren't attempting to emulate Bobbysoxers that loved Frank Sinatra. We were not trying to be anything. We were exuberant youth and actually did believe in the Age of Aquarius.

Heavy Metal and Hip-Hop

The kids of today have heavy metal and hip-hop. Complaining for the sake of complaining. Teenage angst looking for someone to blame, and without a cause.

The Religion of Political Correctness

So, their cause becomes political correctness. They have no religion, so they believe in environmentalism; in the inclusion of all of mankind in their loving embrace, including terrorists; in unbridled hedonism coupled with a hatred of everything military, conservative, and traditional.

Yearning for Woodstock

They've seen Woodstock, and think it was cool, so they emulate it. They lack the revolutionary fervor, though, that we had as kids. They want that fervor, and they think that it consists of chants and slogans and mantras.

True Revolutionaries

I am not totally proud of what we Baby Boomers have wrought on this earth. Yet, we were true revolutionaries. I renounce some of the fanciful ideas of my youth, having seen the value now of business and family and religion. I am happy that we have made advances in environmentalism.


I am not proud, though, of this crop of kids, and this gaggle of celebrities.

Little do they realize that they are the establishment. They are not the revolutionaries.

They agree with all the major news channels and newspapers and PBS and on and on, in their maniacal attack on whatever is good in the world. Their robot-like pronouncements require no moral or political courage. They march in lockstep with everyone else.

The Harm They Do

What's more, they hurt people and damage the world. They slaughter innocents by not supporting the Iraq War. They snatch food away from the poor with their socialism. They bloody the wounded with their socialized medicine. They will wind up mangling the environment too, by not embracing science, and instead praying to their green forest gods in the hysterical religion of irrational environmentalism.

Live Earth is Dangerous to Your Health

The death blow Live Earth strikes is to brainwash our children. There is no room for intelligent discussion on this kind of show. It's all goose stepping and saluting the gods of green and St. Al Gore. The celebrities spout their meaningless banter and proclaim to the world, "See what a good person I am! I am a liberal."

Stop Patting Yourself on Your Backs

Liberals, to me, are not the good people. The saints, the heroes of our society are in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the few back home who speak up for liberty and freedom.

Real Revolution

A genuine revolutionary, with a message worth listening to, will not be serenading ethanol and electric cars. He or she will be belting out pro-American songs that encourage the country in its fight against terror. That person will be the next Bob Dylan. He or she is nowhere in sight.

Let the brain-dead celebrities and vacuous youth show me some courage by speaking the truth, rather than their Marxist slogans, and I'll respect them. I'll worship them, in fact. Isn't that what they want? I'd even bow down to St. Al if he admitted that the sky is not falling.

Common Sense

Yes, let's clean up the environment. No, though, let's not make it a religion. Keep it in the realm of science, open to discussion. There is no room on our planet for Nazi-type propaganda machines, be they Al Gore's, or Michael Moore's, or Madonna's.

Think for yourself people, that's all I ask.


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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  1. Now, I know we've had this discussion about environmental/climate change before, so I already know your stance, but don't you think taking action WHEN the sky is "falling" is a bit too late? Honestly, I see nothing wrong is taking a proactive position in trying to make the world more environmentally stable, but concerts aren't the way to do it. The cause is noble indeed, but people need to hit the streets with it.

  2. Personally, in my view, the jury is still out on global warming. Even if I am undecided, there are many who aren't. Many loved the idea of the Live Earth concert. To me it was a dog and pony show that showcased the hypocrisy of the "famous" in our culture. It showed complete short-sightedness, and a complete disregard for all that they were supposedly speaking out to save. It was a "practice what I preach, but not what I do" event.

  3. paz, I'm not against environmentalism per se. I'm against the obsession with it that leads people to ignore other important battles, like the War on Terror. I'm also against human beings acting like sheep. I want intelligent beings dealing with their world with insight, truth, and courage. This whole movement smacks of facism to me.


  4. Sunni Kay, these guys left such a huge "carbon imprint" by putting on this phenomenon that you're right, it was hypocritical. They fly around in their private jets and ask you and I to ride bicycles. They want wind power, but not in their neighborhood. They want clean energy but won't allow nuclear power.


  5. you are not posting as often as before, but honey you are posting some powerful stuff!! thank you for saying so well what i am not able to put into words!! and i TRY to keep politics off my blog but it is getting so hard to do!

    this week i read several of my "friends" talking about the pardon of scooter libby and whacking bush over it and i don't know what to say. people i like and respect are so devoid of a single thought that makes any sense to me. i feel like i am drowning sometimes. then i come here. sigh.... thanks rock!

    smiles, bee

  6. I also think we can do things to clean up this wonderful place we call home, however I can live without the hypocritical crap that comes from al gore.

    I quote: "Never reported is the fact that the last major study of the Greenland ice sheet [Zwally, et al. Journal of Glaciology (2005)] showed a slight increase in ice mass from 1992-2002. The one- to two-mile thick Greenland ice sheet was thinning at the margins but growing by a greater extent inland.

    Polar specialists know well that the Arctic climate is highly variable and very sensitive to small changes in local temperature. As Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu of the Alaska Arctic Research Center in Alaska noted, the extent of Arctic sea ice melt in the 1920s was greater than today (with far less contribution from human-produced carbon dioxide), and was followed by a period of thickening. Akasofu called Al Gore's movie "science fiction." (See interview.)"

    The out cry from the wackos and sickos never mention evidence that the earth's temperature works in cycles. Ice core test prove that the earth has repeated cycles over the ages, being much warmer in the past than it is now. Those damn cavemen and their carbon footprint.

  7. Sgt Charlie, you are so right. Thanks for your comments. Why are the Hollywood stars so often leftist airheads?

    Al Gore, though, and Michael Moore, have taken over the world. It's up to people like you and me and your lovely wife to keep speaking the truth.

    Thanks again.

