What the Liberal Press Won't Tell You
Another Former Liberal Turning to "Right"eous Heroism
Where Los Angeles Lives | Pro and Anti-Immigration Rallies Clash in Downtown: Ana Beatriz Cholo, The Associated Press, March 26, 2007
Dueling immigration rallies Sunday marked the
one-year anniversary of a massive pro-immigrant demonstration that jammed downtown streets with a half-million protesters and framed new debate in Washington.
Standing among the anti-illegal immigration protesters was 76-year-old Esther Lofton. Lofton said she was representing "my community, the black community" of Watts - an area that has seen a surge of Hispanic immigrants in the past decade. She said she is against illegal immigration regardless of race.
"I'm not out here just fighting Hispanics," she said. "I'm out here fighting illegal immigration. This is my first march, but I hope to get something started."
Ted Hayes was the leader of this rally in Los Angeles, but he was not interviewed by any newspaper, nor any television station. Being Black, he's not the right face for the liberal media to display, considering that he is deeply anti-illegal immigration. He is a hero to me, much like other liberal heroes like Tammly Bruce, Zel Miller, and Joe Lieberman, who take unpopular stands on issues they strongly believe. I am especially proud of Ted Hayes, since he is finally getting Blacks aroused against illegal immigration, which hurts Blacks more than any other group, taking skilled and unskilled jobs away from their community.
During the rally, one thuggish demonstrator dirtied the American flag, threw it to the ground, spit and stomped on it. Ted Hayes went to the flag, picked it up, and smothered it in kisses.
Ted Hayes Says: Biggest Threat to Blacks Since Slavery
Some months ago, Ted had this exchange with Sean Hannity on Fox News:
HANNITY: You're under fire for saying the biggest threat to blacks in America since slavery is illegal immigration. A lot of people don't like the fact that you made that analogy. How do you...
HAYES: Absolutely. Because it's true.
HANNITY: I've known you a long time. You never — you never shy away from a fight or a controversy. What did you mean by that for maybe somebody who didn't understand what you meant?
HAYES: If this illegal immigration process continues, it is going to completely destroy us. We are losing our homes, our lands, our houses, our employment.
Mr. Hayes

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Another Aspect of Illegal Immigration
The Southland's hidden Third World slums - Los Angeles Times: "In the Coachella Valley, hundreds of trailer parks house desperately poor Latino workers amid burning trash, mud, contaminated water," by David Kelly, Times Staff Writer, March 26, 2007.
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Like most of their neighbors in the sprawling, ramshackle Oasis Mobile Home Park, the Aguilars have no heat, no hot water. On cold nights, the family of eight stays warm by bundling up in layers of sweaters and sleeps packed together in two tiny rooms.
Bathing is a luxury that requires using valuable propane to boil gallons of water. So the farmworker clan spends a lot of time dirty.
Jose Aguilar, a wiry 9-year-old, has found a way around the bath problem. He just waits until dinner. "My mom makes frijoles,' he said, 'then I take a bath in that water."
The purpose of this article, of course, appearing in the Left-Angeles Times, is to make you feel sorry for illegal immigrants. I have a different response to it. I believe this is what you can expect when you have an unregulated invasion of our country. Like Ted Hayes, I have nothing against Hispanics. I do have something against filling our nation with unskilled, uneducated, poverty-stricken people who will naturally turn to crime or at least undercut our wages. I continue to repeat, too, that I resent people coming to our nation who do not want to become Americans, will not learn our language, and who bankrupt our hospitals, fill our prisons, and lower the standards in our schools.
Many Hispanics, and now, as we've seen with Ted Hayes and other Blacks, feel the same way. Any Hispanic who comes to America wanting to be an American, willing to work hard, get educated, learn our language, and eschew gangs, to me, is welcome. We do not promote this kind of immigration, however, by being "kind" to all comers. Reality has to set in. Despite our riches, we cannot feed the whole world. If we try, then we will become Third World ourselves, and this cannot be good for anyone. Go to the Oasis Mobile Home Park to see liberal heaven.
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The Solutions?
What is the solution for us? A sensible immigration policy.
What is the solution for poor Mexicans? Believe it or not, it remains in helping and persuading Mexico to treat its citizens better, develop capitalism, decrease corruption, and take care of their own poor. Yes, we need a wall; better border enforcement; and penalties for businesses that hire illegals. Plus, we must stop feeling guilty. We cannot import all the world's poor. The best thing we can do for them is spread democracy, and support the rise of capitalism—as we see happening in China. The Chinese poor no longer need our charity, do they? Neither will Mexico if they change direction.
In conclusion, I salute you Ted Hayes; and I point to the Oasis Mobile Home Park as the vision we want to avoid in America.
(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)
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