Monday, March 26, 2007

A Different Look At Our Second Biggest Problem


What the Liberal Press Won't Tell You

Another Former Liberal Turning to "Right"eous Heroism

Where Los Angeles Lives | Pro and Anti-Immigration Rallies Clash in Downtown: Ana Beatriz Cholo, The Associated Press, March 26, 2007

Dueling immigration rallies Sunday marked the
one-year anniversary of a massive pro-immigrant demonstration that jammed downtown streets with a half-million protesters and framed new debate in Washington.
Standing among the anti-illegal immigration protesters was 76-year-old Esther Lofton. Lofton said she was representing "my community, the black community" of Watts - an area that has seen a surge of Hispanic immigrants in the past decade. She said she is against illegal immigration regardless of race.

"I'm not out here just fighting Hispanics," she said. "I'm out here fighting illegal immigration. This is my first march, but I hope to get something started."

Ted Hayes was the leader of this rally in Los Angeles, but he was not interviewed by any newspaper, nor any television station. Being Black, he's not the right face for the liberal media to display, considering that he is deeply anti-illegal immigration. He is a hero to me, much like other liberal heroes like Tammly Bruce, Zel Miller, and Joe Lieberman, who take unpopular stands on issues they strongly believe. I am especially proud of Ted Hayes, since he is finally getting Blacks aroused against illegal immigration, which hurts Blacks more than any other group, taking skilled and unskilled jobs away from their community.

During the rally, one thuggish demonstrator dirtied the American flag, threw it to the ground, spit and stomped on it. Ted Hayes went to the flag, picked it up, and smothered it in kisses.

Ted Hayes Says: Biggest Threat to Blacks Since Slavery

Some months ago, Ted had this exchange with Sean Hannity on Fox News:
HANNITY: You're under fire for saying the biggest threat to blacks in America since slavery is illegal immigration. A lot of people don't like the fact that you made that analogy. How do you...

HAYES: Absolutely. Because it's true.

HANNITY: I've known you a long time. You never — you never shy away from a fight or a controversy. What did you mean by that for maybe somebody who didn't understand what you meant?

HAYES: If this illegal immigration process continues, it is going to completely destroy us. We are losing our homes, our lands, our houses, our employment.

Mr. Hayes

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Theodore "Ted" Hayes, Jr. is an American advocate for the homeless and has recently become an activist for the Republican Party.

Hayes' liberal activism began in January 1985, when Justiceville, a community of homeless people in Los Angeles, was founded. It survived for five months, until authorities moved to shut down the shantytown. When they did, Hayes entered 35-day fast in protest.

In 1993 he founded Dome Village, a Los Angeles homeless facility consisting of geodesic domes designed by architect Craig Chamberlain and funded by ARCO. During the same year, he ran for mayor of Los Angeles during the primary election, receiving 0.63% of the vote. In the mid-1990s, he organized a youth- and homeless cricket team that toured Ireland and England and inspired an opera. He is also the current president of the Los Angeles Social Cricket Alliance.

At the 2000 Democratic National Convention, Hayes, who was leading a contingent of homelessness activists, was shot with a rubber bullet by police.

In 2001 he ran unsuccessfully for the Los Angeles City Council seat of the 9th district, receiving 5.3% of the vote. After the September 11 terrorist attacks, he was criticized by Muslim leaders for his role in persuading the Los Angeles City Council to pass a resolution demanding that Muslims take a stronger stance against global terrorism. Recently, he has become a vocal critic of illegal immigration, joining the Minutemen Project at protests and staging his own. There was an altercation at an anti-illegal immigration rally at Leimert Park organized by Hayes.

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Another Aspect of Illegal Immigration

The Southland's hidden Third World slums - Los Angeles Times: "In the Coachella Valley, hundreds of trailer parks house desperately poor Latino workers amid burning trash, mud, contaminated water," by David Kelly, Times Staff Writer, March 26, 2007.

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Like most of their neighbors in the sprawling, ramshackle Oasis Mobile Home Park, the Aguilars have no heat, no hot water. On cold nights, the family of eight stays warm by bundling up in layers of sweaters and sleeps packed together in two tiny rooms.

Bathing is a luxury that requires using valuable propane to boil gallons of water. So the farmworker clan spends a lot of time dirty.

Jose Aguilar, a wiry 9-year-old, has found a way around the bath problem. He just waits until dinner. "My mom makes frijoles,' he said, 'then I take a bath in that water."

The purpose of this article, of course, appearing in the Left-Angeles Times, is to make you feel sorry for illegal immigrants. I have a different response to it. I believe this is what you can expect when you have an unregulated invasion of our country. Like Ted Hayes, I have nothing against Hispanics. I do have something against filling our nation with unskilled, uneducated, poverty-stricken people who will naturally turn to crime or at least undercut our wages. I continue to repeat, too, that I resent people coming to our nation who do not want to become Americans, will not learn our language, and who bankrupt our hospitals, fill our prisons, and lower the standards in our schools.

Many Hispanics, and now, as we've seen with Ted Hayes and other Blacks, feel the same way. Any Hispanic who comes to America wanting to be an American, willing to work hard, get educated, learn our language, and eschew gangs, to me, is welcome. We do not promote this kind of immigration, however, by being "kind" to all comers. Reality has to set in. Despite our riches, we cannot feed the whole world. If we try, then we will become Third World ourselves, and this cannot be good for anyone. Go to the Oasis Mobile Home Park to see liberal heaven.

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The Solutions?

What is the solution for us? A sensible immigration policy.

What is the solution for poor Mexicans? Believe it or not, it remains in helping and persuading Mexico to treat its citizens better, develop capitalism, decrease corruption, and take care of their own poor. Yes, we need a wall; better border enforcement; and penalties for businesses that hire illegals. Plus, we must stop feeling guilty. We cannot import all the world's poor. The best thing we can do for them is spread democracy, and support the rise of capitalism—as we see happening in China. The Chinese poor no longer need our charity, do they? Neither will Mexico if they change direction.

In conclusion, I salute you Ted Hayes; and I point to the Oasis Mobile Home Park as the vision we want to avoid in America.


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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Monday, March 19, 2007

A Classical Liberal's View on Iraq


Good Guys and Gals

There are several living Democrats whom I admire. A short list would include of course Joe Lieberman, Zell Miller, Tammy Bruce, and even Bill Richardson (for his integrity and honesty), and well, let's see—I'm thinking.

A Liberal with Integrity Defends the Iraq War

There is one liberal, however, whom I admire as much as anyone, even as much as such heroes as Larry Elder, Tom Tancredo, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham.

Christopher Hitchens.

The man is the epitome of what I call the Classical Liberal. He is liberal in many of his viewpoints, but counterbalances this with being strong on defense, a lover of America, and a man who tells the truth,

without demagoguery.

A rare bird these days. He ought to be cherished.

The great one speaks about the Iraq War: So, Mr. Hitchens, weren't you wrong about Iraq? - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine: Fighting words: Hard questions, four years later. By Christopher Hitchens, Posted Monday, March 19, 2007, at 1:53 PM ET

Four years after the first coalition soldiers crossed the Iraqi border, one can attract pitying looks (at best) if one does not take the view that the whole engagement could have been and should have been avoided. Those who were opposed to the operation from the beginning now claim vindication, and many of those who supported it say that if they had known then what they know now, they would have spoken or voted differently.

What exactly does it mean to take the latter position? At what point, in other words, ought the putative supporter to have stepped off the train? The question isn't as easy to answer as some people would have you believe. Suppose we run through the actual timeline:
It's a great defense of the Iraq War, and you can go to the above link to read the article. He writes it better than I, so I'll just direct you to it.

Opportunistic Blathering

I, like you, have been hearing the demagogic John Kerry present the other side, and just about every Democrat trying to turn soldiers' lives into political capital.

Too Busy Protesting to See Reality

What is ironic, with all the anti-war protests lately, and the shameless vote-seeking, is that the surge is reportedly actually going quite well. Despite all the complaining by anti-war groups and the left, people on the ground, including Iraqi's and American soldiers, are saying that they are starting to feel safer.

Terrorists Love the Left

Of course, this is only a temporary phenomenon, as the terrorists know that the left continues its drumbeat to remove the troops, thereby ensuring that we will be withdrawing in the sometime not so distant future.

The sad thing is that much of the public is buying the left's propaganda. Too bad. If we do withdraw prematurely, then we might be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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Monday, March 12, 2007

A Documentary on Michael Moore

What Goes Around Comes Around

I find this hilarious. It validates my judgment to myself. I was thinking of making a documentary about Michael Moore, showing his hypocrisy, and voila, a pair of liberals beat me to it. Of course, they didn't mean to be negative. They practically worship the guy. Still, his duplicity shines through their film.

Documentary questions Moore's tactics - Yahoo! News: By Christy Lemire, AP Movie Writer.
AUSTIN, Texas - As documentary filmmakers, Debbie Melnyk and Rick Caine looked up to Michael Moore.
Then they tried to do a documentary of their own about him — and ran into the same sort of resistance Moore himself famously faces in his own films.

The result is "Manufacturing Dissent," which turns the camera on the confrontational documentarian and examines some of his methods. Among their revelations in the movie, which had its world premiere Saturday night at the South by Southwest film festival: That Moore actually did speak with then-General Motors chairman Roger Smith, the evasive subject of his 1989 debut Roger & Me, but chose to withhold that footage from the final cut.

The husband-and-wife directors spent over two years making the movie, which follows Moore on his college tour promoting 2004's Fahrenheit 9/11. The film shows Melnyk repeatedly approaching Moore for an interview and being rejected; members of Moore's team also kick the couple out of the audience at one of his speeches, saying they weren't allowed to be shooting there.

You can read the full article to get all the details. The point is, Michael Moore's whole reason for making the documentary Roger and Me was that Roger (Roger Smith) supposedly was inaccessible, and wouldn't meet with Moore. Whoops! I guess Mr. Moore wasn't entirely honest was he? His other documentaries are just as full of holes, as is Mr. Gore's An Inconvenient Truth.

Great Editing

Left-wing documentaries, and organizations for that matter, are like this. They are propaganda pieces designed to inflame people and set up fundraising for pet projects. Gore's got the whole world scared. Hollywood continues to honor people like Moore and Gore. I'd rather have "more gore," Hollywood horror movies, than anything Moore and Gore manufacture. I will see their movies, because they are entertaining. I feel bad about them, though, because they masquerade as truth, and people believe them.

We ought to have a board of Truth that looks into the validity of the claims of documentaries, including left- and right-wing films. After all, you can lie with pictures, photos, and interviews. It all depends on the editing. If you're Michael Moore you just leave out the fact that you did meet with Roger. If you're Gore, you leave out the scientists who don't believe that global warming is as bad as he says it is.

Leftists are great editors.


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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Monday, March 5, 2007

Market Crash?


Speaking as a Former Stockbroker

I am a former stockbroker for Merrill Lynch, Dean Witter, and Charles Schwab. I currently am not involved in the investment business. I have no special expertise in the field except for my brokerage experience. So, what I'm about to say is not investment advice, and I wouldn't pretend that it was.

On the other hand, I did have the benefit of great training and experience with these top-notch firms, I was a licensed broker, and I learned some valuable lessons. So, now, I offer you the benefit of my hard-won wisdom in the field. I feel compelled to say something, as I know that many people are hurting at this time because of the market.

I'm going to make this short, and keep it simple. I am advising you in a general way, but not with any specifics. Take what I say into account when you make your market decisions in the coming weeks.

Simple Principles

I am going to say only two simple things. What goes up, comes down; and vice versa.

And, the best time to buy quality stocks in the stock market, is when stocks are falling, and/or at a bottom. Contrarily, the worst time to buy any stock is when it is at a high point, when the stocks are wildly rising.

Buy low, sell high.

Amateurs Lose with Market Tops and Market Bottoms

Amateurs make two mistakes. They panic on the way up, and they panic on the way down. The panic on the way up leads them to buy at market tops. This is where they fear they are going to miss the next move up. This panic is motivated by greed, and the fear they will miss out on profit. The panic on the way down is caused by despair, and wanting to preserve what little capital they have left.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." How true.

The Clever Investor

So, what strategy should the investor take? The wise investor doesn't care whether the market is rising or falling. He/she does not panic, but adopts a strategy that wins in either case.

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A Rising Market

The clever investor buys aggressive stocks on the way up. Then, when the market has been rising and rising, begins to buy less aggressive stocks, switching eventually to defensive stocks, and starts selling the aggressive stocks he/she has already bought. On the way up, he/she eventually shifts more and more to a cash position, choosing bonds instead of stocks.

A Falling Market

On the way down from a top, the clever investor starts converting cash and bonds into shares in the stock market. Initially, he/she begins by buying defensive stocks. As the downturn in the market progresses, he/she starts buying aggressive stocks again.

The Secret

What is the secret? Being contrary. Whatever the "little people" are doing, do the opposite. This makes sense, since the "little people" rush to buy at market tops, and rush to sell at market bottoms. The "little people" lose all the time during market swings.

So, resist your impulses. Don't jump in and try to guess market tops and market bottoms. No one can do this. Instead, average in and average out. As the market rises, begin taking some money out and putting it into bonds, as well as start selling aggressive stocks and replacing them with defensive stocks. Vice versa when the market is falling. Begin taking bond money out and buying defensive stocks, and later aggressive stocks.

You want to be buying heavily the further the market falls, and selling heavily the further the market rises.

If You're Stuck in Positions and Run Out of Money

If you run out of money on the way down, don't panic and sell. Just wait. Park your money and don't look. Only sell then if the fundamentals in your stocks have changed—as when one of the companies whose stock you own is going bankrupt. Then, get out, preferably on days when the market is up, and accept your losses. Otherwise, accept your paper losses and don't look at the market until it hits bottom and begins to rise again.

Investing Wisely

This is a difficult course to take. But it is highly profitable. You wind up buying low and selling high. This is gold. The market professional dreams of market bottoms. It is the only opportunity to make obscene riches. He/she is grateful for market tops too, because this is when he/she can take the profits he/she has made from earlier buying when the market was low.

What to Do Now

What does that mean for today's miserable situation? If you have discretionary funds you can spare to put into the market now, you are very lucky. Start now buying quality companies on their way down. The more the market falls, the more you will buy. Don't count on any quick turnaround—if this is a true bear market, the market might not turn for years. If you can afford to lose some money, buy aggressive stocks. If you want to be more conservative, start buying defensive stocks. If you are stuck in positions, don't panic. Ride out the market drop and don't even look at it. Just make sure that the companies whose stock you have bought are quality companies. If they aren't any more, then sell them when you get a chance on up days in the market.

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Market Crash?

Is this a market crash, shades of '29? Probably not. Is it the beginning of a bear market? Probably not. It's most likely a correction in a continuing bull market, but this doesn't matter. In truth, we don't know if this present market is in a correction, or a crash. If it's in a correction, then it will rise again in a few weeks or months. If it's a bear market or a crash, then it will continue to fall. Whatever happens, it shouldn't concern us. We need to be brave, and stick with a long-term strategy that is appropriate in either case. This will lead to prosperity, whether the market rises or falls.

Other Strategies

Of course, there are other tactics to deal with a market crash, like selling short, or selling covered calls, but these are for the professionals. If you have a trusted broker, you can ask him/her about these, realizing that they are risky.

Good Luck

That's it. Easier said than done. Best of luck to you.


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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